Saturday, June 11, 2005

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Wonder why our children in America have issues with the English language. Who's fault is it? Parents? Daycare? TV? Strangers?

From about the time a child is born, we talk to him or her...right? So why don't we talk to them as we would have them talk to us once they can speak? Do we really want our child to brush his teethies before bed? Or toofies, for that matter? Should she put socks on her feetsies before putting on her shoes, one footsie at a time? Is hers tired from playing all day? Does he need widdle kisses before naptime?

My sister knows just how it irks me to talk like some call baby talk. But no child I've ever known talks like that. Yet, people ALWAYS talk that way to children. Some words are okay like "night-night" or "bye-bye" and even "paci" for pacifier. I have no idea where "binky" for pacifier came from. Bad grammar and ridiculously made up words such as "nummies" for breastfeeding is just too much.

I want my daughter to be a baby until she's ready to be a big girl, but I also feel it is my job to teach her real words which are as just as easy to learn and don't grate the ol' nerves.


Amanda said...

aw! is hers a wittle bit upsetty-wetty?


Melinda said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so glad that I'm not the only weirdo that that bothers...granted every once in a while I call my nephew a Boober...but I also read real books to him, so that makes up for the Boober and Binky part! :)

Jennboree said...

haha...Melinda. But can you different voices when reading? I've found out that I cannot. Piglet sounds just like Pooh who sounds just like Elmo who sounds just like all the Baby Einstein characters.


Jennboree said...

haha...Melinda. But can you different voices when reading? I've found out that I cannot. Piglet sounds just like Pooh who sounds just like Elmo who sounds just like all the Baby Einstein characters.


Amanda said...

jenn, i would like to point out that immediately after posting this lecture against baby talk, you went to melinda's site and asked her what she was going to do after she "gradulated."


Jennboree said...

I should hope Melinda knows how to speak proper English, therefore it is not necessary for me to when speaking to her. Once Isabella has mastered the English language, I will then introduce slang and mispronunciation.

All in due time, my dear.