Ever wonder why formula for babies is so dang expensive?
Let me tell you why...
1) Because they deliver crates of it to OB offices so nurses will hand them out to every expectant or new mother. Talk about a mixed message to new moms considering the Lactation Nazis who bothered her daily in the hospital!
2) Because they mail them to new moms (who they find via registration in hospitals) in obviously not cheap packaging containing two cans of completely different formula types (hello!)
3) Because of the expense of the materials used to market these formulas. Mailouts. Coupons. How To books on babies. Monthly baby info update booklets. Free diaper bags in the hospital (also containing free formula and all the items mentioned above)
I am all for educating women on how to better care for their babies. But wouldn't it be better to create a more affordable product? They can print all they want on the cans that "Breast Is Best" but you know as well as I do that they really prefer you buy their product. So why not make baby's nutrition easier to afford for moms who cannot or do not breastfeed?
Instead we have stupid government commercials promoting (weakly, I might add) breastfeeding over formula and then the formula companies going to great lengths to push their formula in mothers' faces while also admitting in fine print that breastfeeding is best.
I do not think the prices of formula vs. the marketing push for formula are in balance. I feel for any mother who has to fork over the $22 for one can of formula a week, if not more often.
I get really frustrated to see the free cans of formula wasted on mothers like me who breastfeed. I make it a point to donate the formula in hopes that a mother who cannot afford it will be able to use it; however, I imagine alot of free cans of formula are simply thrown away.
Yeah, may seem like an insignificant gripe, but I have a marketing background and an idea what these companies spend to promote their products only to have them be the most expensive necessity for so many babies.
K...I'm done ranting. Damn hormones. :)