Monday, May 30, 2005

The ABC's on Me

A is for Age - *cough*32*cough*
B is for Booze - Not much of a like Vodka & 7-up with cherry juice and two cherries.
C is for Cookie you crave - Pepperidge Farm, any cookie
D is for Dating tip you'd give your son or daughter - Boys are YUCKY (till you're 25)
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - With our friends? Booze
F is for Favorite song at the moment - "I'm Gonna Love You" by some country dude
G is for Goof off thing to do - play horsey with daughter
H is for Hometown - Nacogdoches, Texas
I is for Instrument you play - HAHAHAHA
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Jelly...blackberry
K is for Kids - Isabella, age 11 mos, currently residing on hip
L is for Living arrangement - Husband, daughter, three dogs, two cats and Lenny the lizard who resides outside
M is for Mom’s name - Eleonore. Get it right. It isn't Elener, Elanor, Ellen, or Eleanor (what Amanda said)
N is for Name of first crush - Kirk Cameron. Yeah, I know.
O is for Overexposed celebrity? - Paris Hilton. Even writing her name is just wrong.
P is for Phobias - I hate leaving dark rooms. I leave them by leaping frantically.
Q is for Quote you like - "Life is what you make it"
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - Relationship or prison sentence?
S is for Siblings - Lil' sis, baby bro. Both are wonderful, though smartass, adults.
T is for Texas, ever been? - Texas born, baby!
U is for Unique trait - I can draw realistically but cannot draw imaginary.
V if for Vegetable you love - Potatoes! Any way except potato salad...barf
W is for Worst trait - I hate being focused on in a room full of people. Room full of people means more than one other person.
X - is for Xtra Credit, did you ever do it in school? - Attempted, that's about it.
Y is for Yummy food you make - 7-Up pound cake. You feel thepounds adding on with each bite!
Z is for Zodiac sign - watch out!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hooray for posting! i thought blog world was dead today!

also, good mental picture of you leaping from a dark room. :)