Thursday, September 07, 2006

Its Allllllll Betta Now...

That's Bella's newest phrase.

Yesterday was quite an emotional ordeal leading up to Bella's dental surgery but it went smoothly and now she has a beautiful smile once again. I'm very glad we decided to go ahead with the procedure, not for cosmetic reasons so much as protecting her gums and health in the long run.

The pediatric surgery staff were wonderful to our little one. They gave her nose drops to make her loopy and relaxed right before taking her to surgery. Bella lay in my lap and it was very obvious when the medication kicked in. She started thumping her finger on my chest and when asked what she was doing, she said she was "taking my temature". CUTE. Then became transfixed with the ties on her pants.

Approximately 45 minutes later, we had her back in our arms. Rather, her daddy did. Wrapped in a heated blanket provided by the nurses, she was slow to wake but never cried. Instead, she got upset because her shoe fell off. It wasn't actually her was the blood pressure monitor clipped to her big toe.

The rest of the day was napping and eating as if we'd starved her since birth. I'd never seen a child eat so much! She's wanting to go to school today, so we'll attempt it. She does ask what's on her teeth, so I imagine she misses the jagged fun of what she had before.

And she STILL wants to be Dr. Bella.


Girlie said...

So glad to hear Bella is fine. That was funny with the thumping :)

tallulah said...

I need some nose drops for my kids when they get wound up. Nightie night little ones! hee hee

Jennboree said...

Yeah! That was the awesome part. She was so relaxed, sweet and gooberish.

Amanda said...

i wanna see! i am sure she is just beautiful :)

that must feel strange to her - kind of like getting braces on or off - i remember constantly licking my teeth till my tongue was a jagged shred of tissue. nice.

Trinity13 said...

I'm glad she is doing so well afterwards...what a trooper!

Katrina said...

I remember freaking out a tiny bit when Katie had to have tubes put in her ears. It took all of fifteen minutes, and the loopy was kind of fun to watch as she came out of the anesthesia.

Congrats on surviving!